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The part when Lily's Family meets the MC's family, it crashes after Hector speaks. 

We can't reproduce that error can you send a screenshot?

I got through it. Is there going to be a chance too get with Angela or Marcia and have a ending ?.

apk version is corrupted won't open

Can you retry with version 0.15.1?

Do I have to buy it again every time I update it


I'm wondering are you going to add a futa pegging choice in the first chapter in a update if you are please do it

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so. i used to be able to play the game, but for the past 5 days, everytime i try to open the game, it just stays frozen on a white screen.
nothing happens, even after 10 mins.

i have tried removing all files of the game (saved saves on a usb) and removed all files from PC, but after reinstalling the same update, it still won't play (update used to work, before the white screen

any help?

been a week. i guess you guys gave up and have no idea why that might be happening?

Hey, sorry for the late reply.

Can you tell me on what OS you're running the game on? Did you recently update your graphic card drivers? Since last time you played, did you changed anything on your computer that might cause the problem?

not that i know of.
all that's changed is that i got a new harddrive, but the problem started, even before that
the OS that i run it on is Windows 10. drivers hasn't been updated before and after the problem occurred

i did have it work for 1 gameplay 3 days ago, but then the next day, it went back and did the same again.

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When i go to download it says file might be harmful, is that common? It only says it for the android file.


It happens with renpy games when you use the latest version of the engine, the file is safe.

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I instal the game and it say it work on older android version what can i do?

Is Macaria coming back in future content?.


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