how much farther along is the Bree MC player been awhile since ive played almost a year on steam ive played a decent amount as mike but felt like something different
Just tried the newest version, they still have the "Bree is very early ..." warning. Feels like they're gonna ghost her because male-centric games is where the money is.
I know. You have more experience at this then me. If you do like a suggestion. Could possibly do a Ultimate Harem, much further down the road, I am talking Have Every Female romanceable on Mike's path in the game, with saying this, I think it would be a very difficult thing to achieve in the game.
hahaha then later on we will find out that all the girls can enter the home harem..well anyway even if you dont its ok still loved the game. thanks for making this game.
they are working on Mike more than Bree seemingly because he has the most stuff you can do. I assume Bree will get that treatment later when Mike is nearly rinished
Is it ok for me to focus on bree and sasha's storyline first before the other characters or will I lose some characters if I don't interact to them for long time?
Since the new version, I cannot work at the office anymore (but iit is still there when loading the same save file ith an older version). The option isn't there. Do I have to start a new game to fix this
This has to be the best game out there. I'm seriously surprised it took me this long to find.
I will say few things:
1) I had to initiate cheats cause it was taking so long to make money to do things. There was no expenential growth of money so I wasn't worried and could enjoy the great story. 2) hey where is the menue button or back button. I hate restarting the game to go to menue
Cz might be referring to the mobile version. I have only been able to get back to it by accident, swiping in odd directions without making a selection while in a response selection menu
so with anna for some reason i cant move foward with her. I talk about tv to her and it just cuts off. ive took her on dates but for some reason the conversation about television doesn't work
get the app Azip master then go to using it's browser to get to your account manually. Download it like normal however this time Azip will be the downloader. After it's done the app will unzip the files of LSSB allowing an easy download. It should download easily on any browser after that the app is on Google play
you also have a recovery time before you can have sex again (at some amount of sexperience that becomes negligble tho), it is shown as a eggplant on your phone stats
Is it possible to get the player character collared? And if not are there plans to implement it? I was playing Bree with a dom Sasha and giving her a collar just results in her offering to attach it to you and the player character immediately refusing
If she says that then you failed the home harem route. You didn't max out Sasha's love and kink lv at 100 and her lesbian stas has to be 50. This is the same for Bree. If one of them isn't completed or if both girls are not completed then the girl who is the closest to the goal will stay with the character. The other won't be datable. Bree will leave the game in her case but Sasha will just leave the house however if you talk to her she will always say piss off.
Will you update your wikipidia to the version of 22.10?Because there are no description what blue pill is doing.And I can't confront Kleio about Ann.And after talking with Samantha and Emma quest doesn't complete.Samantha is my sex slave and I don't know what to do.Last question if Steam and Patreon version is on the same time?Of course the game itself is great.Thank you very much developers.
The issue about talking to Kleio and Anna should be resolved in version 22.10.0d. Can you check your playing this specific version (version is shown in the bottom right of the main screen).
The wiki is maintained by the community. You just need to register to make additions if you want.
I git you bro when it comes to Anna and kleo. You need to make sure that Anna and kleo's individual storylines are completed before you talk with them to trigger their event together. It's easier to complete if you focus on Morgan first before persuing kleo. This is because a good chunk of her story is tangled with her. If you cplete morrigan kleo will be easy just make sure her love and kink are maxed out and keep her lesbian stat at 50. Once you start kleo try to avoid the bar if morrigan and kleo are there until you complete her route. ( Dates at the bar don't trigger the event) at the end of both girls kink are at 100 and lesbian stats are 50 you get the pixie harem. After that go for Anna and STAY AWAY from band practice. Complete Anna stroy. Again she needs to be at 100 love and kink stay and have 50 lesbian stat. Then go to band practice.
I have Bree and Sasha KP,LP,SSP to 100 units but I keep losing one of them when trying for the harem. I also used cheats on them and Mike. Am I doing something wrong
I did Samantha's Path C and rejected the threesome. Now Sam refuses to date with me, what should I do? And sometimes Sam has a conversation about 'About Ryan' but she says she doesn't want to talk.
trying to progress Emma's story and the objective for meeting her and Samantha after the call doesn't go away can you not progress it any further at this point
(also tried to freindzone samantha before emma was properly introduced to see if that would fix it and she still introduced me as her boyfriend but immediately got the bad end after i progressed to a certain point )
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How to date Alexis at the beach it's already summer season but when i date her there's no beach location pop up.
Are you doing a weekend date during the evening and not after noon? if yes maybe its not implemented or something else is missing.
buy all of the male clothes at the shop to open the locations no summer clothes no beach.
are u talking about become the ceo? because if so, i am having the same problem
how much farther along is the Bree MC player been awhile since ive played almost a year on steam ive played a decent amount as mike but felt like something different
Just tried the newest version, they still have the "Bree is very early ..." warning. Feels like they're gonna ghost her because male-centric games is where the money is.
We do add new content for her almost every months ^^
I know. You have more experience at this then me. If you do like a suggestion. Could possibly do a Ultimate Harem, much further down the road, I am talking Have Every Female romanceable on Mike's path in the game, with saying this, I think it would be a very difficult thing to achieve in the game.
The home harem will stay the biggest in the game ^^
We don't plan on having a pokemon ending :)
that's fair.
hahaha then later on we will find out that all the girls can enter the home harem..well anyway even if you dont its ok still loved the game. thanks for making this game.
Could you do a character based on someone from the series Breaking Bad ?. That would be awesome.
That's a missed opportunity then
they are working on Mike more than Bree seemingly because he has the most stuff you can do. I assume Bree will get that treatment later when Mike is nearly rinished
Will there be more "Cherie" contents in the next update? :P
We are mostly done with Cherie in Second Base.
Is it ok for me to focus on bree and sasha's storyline first before the other characters or will I lose some characters if I don't interact to them for long time?
ahh why i can't work?
Can you send me your save ?
i hope it helped fix the bug
I just need the save with the bug...
hi, did u guys manage to fix this bug? because i think there are several people that were affected by this, myself included.
I would need a save with the big for that to be able to see the bug first ^^
same thing happened to me, no more work option pops up
same here, cant become ceo because of it
Since the new version, I cannot work at the office anymore (but iit is still there when loading the same save file ith an older version). The option isn't there. Do I have to start a new game to fix this
I'll check
This has to be the best game out there. I'm seriously surprised it took me this long to find.
I will say few things:
1) I had to initiate cheats cause it was taking so long to make money to do things. There was no expenential growth of money so I wasn't worried and could enjoy the great story. 2) hey where is the menue button or back button. I hate restarting the game to go to menue
1- it increases with stats and promotions ^^
2- Esc
Cz might be referring to the mobile version. I have only been able to get back to it by accident, swiping in odd directions without making a selection while in a response selection menu
If you have a phone swipe back like normal on your phone.
so with anna for some reason i cant move foward with her. I talk about tv to her and it just cuts off. ive took her on dates but for some reason the conversation about television doesn't work
how did u talk about tv with anna because i can't seem to find that option?
If anyone wants to know how to install on Android let me know. I figured it out.
Cant seem to download how you do it ?
get the app Azip master then go to using it's browser to get to your account manually. Download it like normal however this time Azip will be the downloader. After it's done the app will unzip the files of LSSB allowing an easy download. It should download easily on any browser after that the app is on Google play
Hi, how do I update the latest version to my current version in PC?
You download it and your saves should be available in the new build
Thanks my friend.
How to raise Hanna kink points above 50. Did touchy customer.
Office harem im stuck in part work in office after date audrey in beach and then morgan : take date in cinema 👀
yes, you had sex that day already.
I'm forced to say No to sasha on the second date for some reason. Anyone know why? My lowest stat is hygiene which is at 3.8
you also have a recovery time before you can have sex again (at some amount of sexperience that becomes negligble tho), it is shown as a eggplant on your phone stats
I think that's why bro
I'm stuck there, nothing happens, help please. She is in 30LP
Is it possible to get the player character collared? And if not are there plans to implement it? I was playing Bree with a dom Sasha and giving her a collar just results in her offering to attach it to you and the player character immediately refusing
Yes both Mike and Bree will be able to get collared by dorm partners later on
what should I do when sasha tell me " piss off"
If she says that then you failed the home harem route. You didn't max out Sasha's love and kink lv at 100 and her lesbian stas has to be 50. This is the same for Bree. If one of them isn't completed or if both girls are not completed then the girl who is the closest to the goal will stay with the character. The other won't be datable. Bree will leave the game in her case but Sasha will just leave the house however if you talk to her she will always say piss off.
You can continue from your last save :)
Will you update your wikipidia to the version of 22.10?Because there are no description what blue pill is doing.And I can't confront Kleio about Ann.And after talking with Samantha and Emma quest doesn't complete.Samantha is my sex slave and I don't know what to do.Last question if Steam and Patreon version is on the same time?Of course the game itself is great.Thank you very much developers.
The issue about talking to Kleio and Anna should be resolved in version 22.10.0d. Can you check your playing this specific version (version is shown in the bottom right of the main screen).
The wiki is maintained by the community. You just need to register to make additions if you want.
lent your a godsend to this community.
I git you bro when it comes to Anna and kleo. You need to make sure that Anna and kleo's individual storylines are completed before you talk with them to trigger their event together. It's easier to complete if you focus on Morgan first before persuing kleo. This is because a good chunk of her story is tangled with her. If you cplete morrigan kleo will be easy just make sure her love and kink are maxed out and keep her lesbian stat at 50. Once you start kleo try to avoid the bar if morrigan and kleo are there until you complete her route. ( Dates at the bar don't trigger the event) at the end of both girls kink are at 100 and lesbian stats are 50 you get the pixie harem. After that go for Anna and STAY AWAY from band practice. Complete Anna stroy. Again she needs to be at 100 love and kink stay and have 50 lesbian stat. Then go to band practice.
Can someone tell me how to start or get the mission: Sasha breast complex?
You can check the wiki to start these events :
How do I get ayishas KP points to 75 (I want the taming harem)
If you want the Taming harem,Ayesha KP points should less than 75.
Okay. To cheat a harem the lesbian points need to be at 50.
I have Bree and Sasha KP,LP,SSP to 100 units but I keep losing one of them when trying for the harem. I also used cheats on them and Mike. Am I doing something wrong
using cheats has been known to fuck with both the save file and the game itself your best bet would be a clean run.
You can check the requirements for this event here:
I did Samantha's Path C and rejected the threesome. Now Sam refuses to date with me, what should I do? And sometimes Sam has a conversation about 'About Ryan' but she says she doesn't want to talk.
If you refused the date, this path ended:
How do I update to the new version after already purchasing the game? Also will my previous save file be effected?
Figured out how to update versions. Still curious as to if my old save file will be effected?
It shouldn't be affected
shouldn’t be and if you purchase the game on itch it should provide you with a personal link to the game that you use to download each update .
i am use android and i can't confronts Kleio about her fight with Anna Anna icon doesn't show
Can you update to the latest version (22.10.0d)
its already (22.10.0)
The letter (bug fix patch) is important. Can you check on the bottom right of the main screen if you're playing with the latest version available?
I downloaded the game but to install it won’t work does anyone know the reason why???
Are you playing on pc/mac/android? Do you have a specific error message?
on android and the message is (app not installed
do you have enough free space? You need at least twice the size of the game ~3Go?
I have a little over 5gb
Can you try to install the demo?
I don't get how people are playing this on Android each time i try to play it crashes
I haven't had any problems. I even got one of the marriage endings.
Maybe it's because I'm using an older phone
When exactly does it crashes? Do you see the loading screen? The video? The main menu?
Do you have a log.txt and maybe a starcktrace.txt in the following folder:
It crashes before the main menu where it talks about the game
Was there any log files in the loveansexsecondbase folder?
How about fixing the cheat menu for the girls. I can't scroll down to the other girls.
In cheats/characters, scroll bars work correctly on my phone
They work, but the box to tap the scroll bar to use it is small for the cheat menu and phone
Could you finish the game please.
trying to progress Emma's story and the objective for meeting her and Samantha after the call doesn't go away can you not progress it any further at this point
(also tried to freindzone samantha before emma was properly introduced to see if that would fix it and she still introduced me as her boyfriend but immediately got the bad end after i progressed to a certain point )