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The font's color it's bad to see in dialogues, the color would be better if was Yellow, it'll help the users from mobile too much.


Im lagged in 90% LP the tip " Samantha will call me " but she dont call me , what i need to do?

When i schedule a date with a girl the date appears on my calendar normally, say for example today at 20:00. And when the time arrives nothing happens. And i end up losing the date. Do i have to do something specific to start the date when its 19:00? Or at 20:00? It has occured to me to have a date at 20:00 with Sasha, and find her in the living room at 19:00, talk with her, and then i miss the date. How do i make sure i dont miss the date? Do i have to go to the date location? Do i have to go to the City?

When the time for the date arrives, in the lower right corner will apear a button for the date to start. It have like a cofee table with candles on it.

Thank you so much for this, i had never noticed that this button was there, i was looking around everywhere and couldnt figure out how to go on the date. 

Hi sorry my poor english i have a bug problem in pc versión i have the swimsuit and put  it on my room, but there is no options of waterpark swim or beach, there is a way to erase the swimsuit and buy it again i realy dont want to begin all over please help!

(1 edit)

cant swim during fall and winter, also you dont have to put the swimsuit on


Deleted 5 years ago

Same here...

How to unlock club night?

get fancy clothing

i'm playing 19.8.1e and i can't unlock any characters exept Aletta, Anna, Bree, Hanna, Samantha, and Sasha. i keep seeing the others in the comments but if i find them in the game it says that it's just a teser before disappearing



Have a translate for pt-br? Perhaps is interested translate? Could I help to do this...

so is kylie a killer because if she is a yandere dose that mean that you'll make it possible or is it already in

It's for later on :) 

(3 edits)

well so will all the characters find out about the main lad which whatever you name him i named him sillybilly but will they find out his you know fetish for all the girls and will there be an option to move new characters into your house

also your work is brilliant but i cant afford patreon so i got it from another site so i could get more into the game and i must say the game is a masterpeice so keep at it i expect great things from you :)

also i think you might have had this idea but children cause i know soon there might be marriage 

also why dose Samantha get angry for the main character making her pregnant

I went to ur patreon and I saw some girls are available on paid version 

Will they ever be available for free version

Tengo celular y e descargado el juego y e querido la ultima version a si que vine aqui pero solo esta pa computadora como hago??


The event 'Divorce: Smack the dick' is not triggering! Samantha is stuck at 80 LP, and refuses to date the MC! Can anyone please tell me when/where the event is triggered? Your help would be appreciated?

How do you use the cheats on the Patreon Mobile version.

Samantha : maybe samantha will call me (90% love)

Sasha : i think i heard noise comming from sasha bedroom

How, when, and where i can get that event ?, i give up with hint, i never get that hint

Just that 2, i think this game must add more time and place in hints

And i want new sex scene update like summertime saga, can move, hehehe

how to unlock lexi?

i dont have the club unlock
and i finish another story

Buy the fancy clothes

Will you overtime be adding in the patreon only characters to the public versions

I added one last month ;)
and yes I'll add more later on

Ring! Ring!

Oh? Bossu?

(Coughs out blood) out razor blade, falls over, and dies)

why don't you guys add voices to sex scenes at least to make it more realistic 

Because we just started full voicing for the game this month

Means that it's going to be voiced soon?


268 lines of dialogue this month, some sex scenes next month

well.. thanks in advance 

Im stuck on a hint for Bree where I need to see her in her bedroom during the day. What do I need to do to progress that?

Hi, I was playing and a scene appears where Sasha and bree are angry because I slept with both of them and Sasha is pregnant, and bree leaves the house, then checks my contacts and is not bree in them and look for bree's room and not my question is

Will bree come home?


What do you mean NO? is she out of the game? Thank you for your answer

Yes she is out for good

Is there a way for her not to move out


I don't know how to use cheats

Help me please


There is a patreon cheat as far as I know, meaning if you are a patreon of Andrealphus you can download a cheat apk or something... I don't know, I'm not a patreon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Hi, I don't know that can I marry any girl in the game?

 Don't have how marry , this game is of only date and fuck dont have option "marry"

For now

Please answer

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm with 90% in love with Samantha but in Hint on the page of Contacts, she maybe will call me , but i pass everyday on house and in night i go to pub to see if i see Ryan there but dont see and she dont call me , what to do ?

Same, i'm stuck in that hints, reply my comment if you get it

Where and when to get the hint ?

I fucked everyone in the game..everything is alright except Aletta got stuck for 40 love and I never got to meet or interect with Audrey!!can anyone help?

You say everyone, it seems like after some dates not all girls will sleep with you even at 100%. Like Shiori. Am I missing something

Someone knows how to go on dates with samantha I already have 90% in the heart section but still won't let me go on dates with her


How do I use cheats on Android?Detalhes

Can someone share with me your save, like, with 80 % and 100% of the game? 

Detalhes I also wanted

how to use the cheat on android help me plzz


After getting caught with Bree and Sasha what should I do to get Bree backf😭😭

Deleted 2 years ago

You have to start the game again. One of them will leave and won't come back unless you made them lesbians. To make them lesbians you need to watch lesbian porn with them on TV. Once each is lesbian after the caught event you can have both of them suck your cock after watching porn on TV.

You have to start the game again. One of them will leave and won't come back unless you made them lesbians. To make them lesbians you need to watch lesbian porn with them on TV. Once each is lesbian after the caught event you can have both of them suck your cock after watching porn on TV.


How do you get Bree lesbian? When she is in the room I can only play video games with her...

I need bree comeback :'c

What I have to do to pass the event of bree in the kitchen because I've been trying for several days and it does not come out and in the hints it tells me to see it in the kitchen and nothing happens I have version 19.5.1e please help

Whats the differance between patreon version and public version ?

And why ı cant ınstall bug fix

The patreon version has twice as many girls.

Tengo la version android de patreon bree y sasha se fueron pero aun sigue apareciendo en el baño y en el comedor

this is for windows or android?

You can get the Android version on patreon 

(1 edit)

can u help me send the link please? Because im new here 😅

the link is mot working,  i want buybthe full version.  Is possible date with samantha? 


I can not have sex with aletta, shiori and bree, bree left home and I can not interact with her, is it a bug or part of the story?  .  At any time until now something new happened, the update will come soon?  .  and when the new version comes out, will I lose my progress?


I also can not have sex with aletta, progress is locked in 40%, do you know anything?

I'm in the same situation and I do not see a solution

Deleted 4 years ago
Deleted 2 years ago

Next patch is coming?

Pls add more girls 

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