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Is this game have animation

no just pic 

I have a problem with the achievements, and when I downloaded the new version and transferred my previous saves, the achievements were reset, leaving them at zero. Can you tell if it can be fixed or should I start a new game?

IIRC, the achievements data is stored in the persistent file, did you transfer this file too?

I don't know, can you tell me how to do it?

In your previous post you said you transferred your previous saves.
Persistent file should be in the same folder as your saves.

No matter what version I play android or pc it keeps crashing back to desktop after about 30 mins of play.. 😕

Do you have any error showing? Or in the logs (Search for the logs)?

No crash log that could find.. It just closes freezes for a sec the back to home screen / desktop 

Did you transfer your save from pc to android (or the other way around)?

No two different fresh installs

Hum, that won't be easy....

So, on Android, we change a few things about the permissions lately.
Remove all the android permissions already set for the game and start again. 
It should ask for missing permissions.

On PC, I'll ask again because I have to, you really don't have a traceback.txt in the game root folder?

was she supposed to not be shown? even the question mark is there but nothing of audrey.

We'll fix this. Thanks for the report

(2 edits)

You are welcome. Here i found a new error, this was on the birthday date of Anna.

It was after giving her a birthday present. First she got an angle of only her lower half and the next click show her all way on the top of the screen (barely i must say).

And then keep changing between being an angle of only her bottoms, making a strange zoom on her arm or just like the posted image.

Its just wrong her position and zoom in all this sequence.

posd: game version: 23.12.0

I'll take a look. 

I have already paid for this game mid 2021, but i can no longer access new downloads. Has this a reason or is this a mistake? I wanna play the new version :D

for me i had to go back and redownload it

Can anyone tell me how to trigger or unlock Taming Harem I did all the requirements in the wiki but I can tell that it's wrong I don't know.

But what bothers me is that it said to meet both Ayesha and Kylie on time 18 Wednesday.

Can anyone help me? I'm a little lost😥

not a huge complaint but i bought this at 19.99 on sale 307 days ago and just noticed that i no longer have access to the support pack any more just wondering what happened???

(1 edit)

All sex scene with Mike:

Full traceback:

  File "start.rpyc", line 756, in script call

  File "cl/labels_room.rpyc", line 84, in script call

  File "ac/smartphone.rpyc", line 15, in script call

  File "dlc_breemc/ch/mike/fuck.rpyc", line 369, in script call

  File "dlc_breemc/ch/mike/fuck.rpyc", line 1869, in script

  File "C:\Games\LoSeSb-23.12.0-pc_itchio\renpy\", line 1081, in execute

    values = apply_arguments(self.parameters,,

  File "C:\Games\LoSeSb-23.12.0-pc_itchio\renpy\", line 296, in apply_arguments

    return parameters.apply(args, kwargs, ignore_errors)

  File "C:\Games\LoSeSb-23.12.0-pc_itchio\renpy\", line 232, in apply

    raise TypeError(

TypeError: Missing required positional arguments: 'sexperience_min'

Windows-10-10.0.22621 AMD64


Love & Sex : Second Base - 23.12.0 23.12.0

Thu Jan  4 18:59:45 2024

Thanks for your report. We'll fix this.

Thanks =^.^=

Hy Guys,

help me please! The task is "Eat a sandvich in the park...."

How can i do that?



I think you have to be hungry so turn off the cheats hit wait a couple times to lower your hunger. Then you should be able to eat. I'm not 100% this is what fixed it for me.

Thanks, I'll try it


It worked! Thanks

(1 edit)

Dear developers. Happy new year to all of your.

I have some inquiries for you.

1-. Can you change back Reona's design? her new design is not as good as the previous one and the previous one was more in syntony with how an otaku Gyaru is usually portraited.

2-. There is a constant bug with the "send text" function in the phone that was not there 4 months back. Whenever a "sexy text" is send with different characters, the woman in question answers with with what would be the follow up of another message, before actually answering with the correct follow up. Can you check it up?

Example: MC talk about wanting to badly see this girl, the girl answers how she is wearing X clothes on her, and then she answers that she also wants to see the MC.

3-. Can you ever please offer a way to buy the Android version of the game in an individual set? I am more than willing to pay a second time for the game to get it on my cellphone, but not with that bundle that makes me buy the pc version again.

(1 edit) (+1)

Happy new year to you too
1. No
2. We will look into it
3. No

(1 edit)

Is there a way to have Palla teach BreeMC to dance? It's listed in the skill tab but so far she only shows up in random events in the pub and the studio


23.12 whats news?

(1 edit) (+1)

This makes the second devlog they missed this year 

(1 edit)

Andrealphus didn't miss it the first time he just didnt post what was new. He still updated tho. Hell maybe they are taking a vacation. Between Christmas and New years it makes sense just be patient.

There's a changelog file in the game where you can find all features and fixes.

- Add a reset ng+ button in options
- Add a reset ng+ button in options
- Added pickup line (suggested by thepostalgamer)
- Aletta date birthday [2ev]
- Alexis ntr bj high school reunion enhancement [qol]
- Alexis ntr event 04 [1ev]
- Amy beach fuck cowgirl [1ev, 1cg]
- Amy bedroom and movie theater cunnilingus  [1cg, 2ev]
- Amy doggy style at the beach [1ev, 1cg]
- Amy event 06 [1ev]
- Amy event 07 [1ev]
- Amy events 01 and 02 with shawn [2ev]
- Amy fuck date missionary [1cg]
- Amy postdate fuck home cowgirl
- Amy postdate fuck home doggy
- Amy postdate fuck home footjob
- Amy schedule + event 03 and 04 [2ev]
- Anna date birthday [2ev]
- Band harem threesome rework [1cg]
- Bitchy harem blowjob [1 cg]
- Blackmail dwayne [1ev]
- Breemc add chats for kylie and victor
- Breemc angela event 09 [1ev][2cg][1bg]
- Breemc angela events 06/07 [2ev]
- Breemc angela events 08 [1ev] [1cg]
- Breemc angela events enhancement [qol]
- Breemc dwayne finds out pregnancy [1ev]
- Breemc jack birthday date [1ev, 1bg]
- Breemc jack finds out about pregnancy [1ev]
- Breemc kiss with master [1cg]
- Breemc lapdance with danny [1ev] [1cg]
- Breemc master finds out about pregnancy [1ev]
- Breemc mike cowgirl [1ev]
- Breemc mike lapdance [1ev]
- Breemc mike rough doggy [1ev]
- Breemc sasha events enhancement [qol]
- Breemc scottie finds out about pregnancy [1ev]
- Breemc victor events enhancement [qol]
- Breemc/fafow add missing npc in slap scene
- Camila kylie ending [1ev]
- Chibis for arcade claw machine
- Cinema room activity cgs [4cg]
- Dlc - amy event 01 [1ev]
- Even more achievements
- Fafow add playing console [1cg]
- Fafow add watch date tv
- Fafow amy/kat/reona dance scene [1cg]
- Fafow board games amy/kat/reona
- Fafow buy popcorn amy/kat/reona
- Hanna / harmony / lexi lapdance
- Hanna birthday date [2ev]
- Hanna shave armpits command
- Hanna/harmony lapdance event [2ev]
- Heart attack and hypnosis arrest [2cg]
- Home harem bj lexi minami samantha [1 cg][1 ev]
- Home harem enhancement 3 [qol]
- New achievement - solitude & sorrow
- New achievements
- Palla birthday date [2ev]
- Reona base texts
- Reona birthday date [1ev]
- Repeatable alexis beach event
- Ryan taking the bus [1cg]
- Sam alternate beach hot coffee [1ev]
- Sasha handjob [1cg]
- Set default piercings for dlc girls
- Shiori birthday date [2ev]
- Sleepy shiori [1cg, 1ev]
- Update sasha missionary cg
- Update sasha standing sex scene
- Achievements order and description
- Activity attribute modifications applied difficulty mod twice
- Add missing haircut layers in bj bree/sasha
- Alarm clock ui crampedness, randomness of watching tv with someone, and...
- Alexis in demo crash
- Alexis ntr halloween party
- Amy no[something] flags
- Amy story
- Amy's birthday asking event
- Angela dialogues threshold
- Blur unseen images in gallery
- Bree size in bathroom fuck
- Bree's condom reaction in sasha's bedroom
- Breemc  issue with mike
- Breemc add missing outfits for dwayne kiss
- Breemc add missing outfits for jack kiss
- Breemc bath cg with mike
- Breemc jack
- Breemc/mikemc mix in gifts dialogues
- Camila date event conditions
- Can't breakup with cassidy
- Cannot pickle 'odict_keys'
- Cassidy pet check the sex slave story & harmony church schedule
- Cassidy/dwayne story tracker
- Cassidy_hold_meeting story tracker issue
- Cinema cgs
- Condoms now no longer usable from the inventory screen
- Crash caused during cleanup of missing emma's scavenger hunt event
- Crash when trying to do reminderappointment
- Disable booty call with camila while in hospital
- Emma groping hands overclip
- Emma story tracker issues
- Halloween sex event pass time
- Hanna tongue piercing
- Hottub swimsuit
- Human readable spoilers hints stat values
- Include lexi in home harem when sam's gone
- Issue with lexi and kleio in demo
- Issue with sasha normal fuck
- Kleio call back about car repair
- Kylie trial conditions
- Kylie trial sound missing
- Lexi sasha nightclub event triggered during another date
- Licking layer minami/sasha
- Loading crash with older version
- Look around button
- Maid cafe hidden when playing breemc
- Mc in kitchen meal cg
- Messed up with kylie gets jealous
- Minami's aquarium practice crash
- Missing bedroom layer for bitchy cumshare
- Missing bree's haircut layers
- Missing hanna events in story tracker
- Missing layers for smoking pot scene
- Missing layers in college harem oral scene
- Missing minami home harem tracker
- Mixed event in random ponstar job event for breemc
- Morgan story tracker wait for winter/summer
- Movie theater last issues
- Naked layers for bree pillow attack & sasha bass attack
- Naked layers for sasha bass training & sasha unpacking
- Naked layers for sasha footjob
- Older saves skills crash.
- Open days issues
- Overlapped work colleagues
- Pimping lexi to jack will update correctly
- Remove kleio car call location constraint
- Remove some todos
- Sam event d02 trigger conditions
- Sam preg achievement / slap intro
- Samantha condom check
- Samantha tracker crashing
- Sasha doggy stacktrace
- Sasha missionary
- Sasha mixed event breemc/mikemc
- Sasha noface bj
- Scottie losing max love
- Shiori hottub swimsuit
- Shiori sleep office topless
- Soft lock on minami siscon story
- Some story tracker fixes
- Spelling mistakes
- Spellings
- Split kleio's tracker
- Typo
- Typo + piercings in cheat screen
- Typo fix on birthday dates check
- Typo in cassidy dialogue label
- Typo in pimping lexi story tracker
- Typo in shiori office sleep event
- Vip open issue
- When introduced to emma you won't be called samantha's boyfriend if on revenge route
- Yandere/male stats won't scale with difficulty
- Zoomed sasha during fuck dates
- Add config.version in saves json
- Bree dlc batch 5

Is Bree and the Master content finished or no? Because i cant go through fifth lesson.

I have all requirements for Home Harem and it says to meet bree and sasha in the same room, but when i do they get mad at me for sleeping with both? what am i supposed to do? 

if they ask for choose only one say no.

oh, so thats supposed to happen? 


yeb. make sure you complete all (Love>=75 Les>=45 kink>=25) be aware if you not fulfilling the requirements. Then when you meet they in the same room, they will start fighting then they will ask for choose only one just say no.

Have there been any holiday themed additions this update? What’s the log for it anyway? 

Having a issue with not being able to report Kylie a second time after the assault.


How do i find Amy? 


How do i find Amy?

i bought this game i have proof ofc is there any way that i could get key for steam bc is buging for me when i try to instal 

Go to Andrealphus in the comments and reply to him d directly. He will be able to help.

Does it have replayble scenes or gallery?

Yes there is a gallery

how do you access the gallery?

Finish the game once without cheating

If you buy the full version of the game, do you get the monthly updates automatically or do you have to Manuel add them?

If you use the app it should update automatically

Well if i buy the game here i need an account anyway so that should solve it ?

AFAIK yes but i never tested it :)


wow, 25 dollars, you sure do value yourself highly


I dare you to find a hand drawn dating sim with more content the Love & Sex :D
- Male & female MC
- 20+ waifus
- 1230+ events
- 250+ activities
- 75+ locations
- 13+ date venues
- 140+ items
- 14200+ voiced lines
- 460+ full screen artworks
- 2.1M+ words of story
If you do find one with undisputably more content then i'll give you the game for free.


Don't listen to people like this, I bought the game already. Endless replaying, beautiful scenes, excellent story telling, I've loved this game since I downloaded the demo almost a year ago. You deserve more praise for this game and I can't wait for a sequel👍


Thanks for the support ;)


Cook his ass Andrealphus COOK HIS ASS!!!!! 😂😂😂😂


Acurate af


damn my fault og

The android version is having a problem, whenever I try to open the game closes at the load screen


Remove all android permissions set on the game, launch the game again, it should ask for the required permissions

i cant get lexi to call me i go to the mall at 12:00 to 18:00 and go in the Livingroom from 20:00 to 24:00 but she wont call me any ideas
(1 edit)

Wait for winter?

worked thanks

Wow you've really made this game confusing

If you buy it on GOG, you get the male story only

If you buy it on Steam, you get the male story with the Bree available as a DLC

If you buy it on, you get both stories at the base price.

This is why customers hate different versions being at different stores.


- Bree will be available on GOG once finished
- Itch does not have a DLC system that i know of, that's why Bree is included in the game but the price is the same as buying the game with the DLC on Steam.

So the game is technically functional and everything technically works but it keeps freezing at random points then completely kicking me off. Getting back on takes longer than usual to load up too then it just repeats. All at random points in game. None of this has happened to me before. 

Are cherie,amy and riona available now for mc Mike on the update?

Amy will be there next update.

(1 edit)

So cherie n riona,available now?


Bree and sasha are on max. And I'm trying let them dress the slutty dress but they say that are not ready. Is it patreon content or what should I do?

Only Minami and Audrey is available for slutty dress. The rest is sexy dress.

Harmony too

(3 edits)

I feel like Morrigan needs more love. Everyone has a great story and development character wise with H scenes sprinkled in. Morrigan feels kinda bland tho.  She has no real notable scenes by herself and her story feels kinda.....dry? Her tomboyish personality is great tho. I hope she gets scenes based on if you make her more feminine or not. I mean think about it. She has chemistry with Kleo who's arguably one of the most fleshed out and deep characters in the game as well as an interesting past with Alexis and Kylee. Two other characters who are also amazing. I just think she's too cool as a character for her story to end as it is.  Heck she even has a past with the MC along with Minami and Jack. She's awesome.

(2 edits)

She has a 3some route with Kleio tho, but it's not that bland there's some progression after few dates that she no longer likes girls and instead slowly fell in love with the MC. (you have any discord that i can add if you don't mind?)

(2 edits)

No I mean her story with Morrigan by herself is bland. Kleo makes her route worth it because she's in it but Morrigan is cool enough that she shouldn't need Kleo to make her route worth it. think about it. If Kleo wasn't in a joined route with her considering Morrigan's story as it is now, what real point would there be to pursue Morrigan as a character? Her personality is great but nothing story wise makes her stand out compared to the other characters Wich sucks because she has the potential to be the best character considering how close she is to the MC and the fact that she knows Minami, Jack, Sam, Alexis, Kylee, and Kleo. That's a lot of wiggle room for one character. Also I might make a discord.

How do I unlock the nude beach? I know its something to do with Jack telling the mc but how do I make Jack tell the mc? is it just a random event or do I need to do something

You can check the wiki or use the spoilers hints to check this event requirements

It isnt in the wiki and I dont think theres a spoiler hints for jack when playing as the male mc.

(1 edit) (+1)

The nude beach event is available in the "getting started" section of the story tracker ;)

Find Jack when he's in the pub (~ 8pm) you need to have at least 10 sexperience

Go to the pub. Jack will talk to the MC about it.

At Emma's route (Dream Girl). after Samantha called her status became Friend instead of Sex Slave, and i can't increase her heart, even enabling cheat won't increase her heart aswell. (i can decrease it, but increasing doesn't work.) Any fixes for this?.

No. You messed up. Sam is your "friend" not sex slave that means you messed up somewhere during Emma's route. Finish Sam's revenge path and add her to the home harem as a sex slave before pursuing Emma. This will pretty much make Emma's route easy to deal with. After you have sex with Emma she will ask you to date her at the cafe. Say no then after finishing her story you can coller Emma.

(1 edit)

I already finished everything already, home harem with all 5 girls, all collared. The only girls i haven't done is Harmony and Emma. and i guess i messed up. Because her heart is stuck at 96 (there's no way to increase it even using cheat)

(1 edit)

oooh!!! In that case it's a bug. I didn't notice before but I have seen this one in one of my playthroughs with Sam as well. It can also happen with Bree. I recommend you tell Andrealphus so it gets patched up. I thought they delt with it but I guess not. It's been around since 3 or 4 updates ago.

Ah i see, thanks for your comment. Because i thought i was doing it wrong, it's fortunate i have another save that all home harem girls have 97+ hearts so i can do the full harem ending.

Yeah it doesn't always happen but when it does it's always when your going for a harem. It's annoying

I think Gammer Bree path might be messed up. I followed her path but her kink lv only goes to 50. It's weird.

You have to follow her Maid Path to get more than 50, gamer path locks it at 50

(1 edit)

Ah! I see. her maid path i got to 100 but it's the gamer path that's weird. Andrealphus must be reworking her path most likely to involve Kat in her gamer storyline.  That explains why I had to restart the game. Since a few of her gaming H scenes are not in the game the files themselves can't be read meaning the file itself was forced to be deleted . I'd imagine Bree and Kat might be the main focus on the next update.


Do the updates make everyone else start all over like it does to me? It doesnt just update the current app it makes me download a new app for the update and I lose my progress in the process.

On android you should backup your saves before updating.

thanks for the reply, I just re-downloaded it and it updated the current app

Can I ask how you got it to update the current app? It's still making me download a new app. I've backed up mg save but they do not seem to be carrying over to the next app when I do. Apologies for askin a repetitive question.

Im not totally sure, I just deleted the newly downloaded app and re-downloaded it. It just came up as an update the second time I downloaded the file.  The game is enjoyable enough where starting over isn't too much of a problem but I was told backing up the save files helps, again not sure how to do that since I have no PC and just play on android. Sorry I haven't any real answers for ya.

Even a response is nice no worries. I'll see what happens. 

I noticed during the update that there are some girls working at the shops one of Wich is Anna's Ex girlfriend. will these ladies also be included in futer updates as actual characters? I'm asking due to the fact that it feels like your planning on using characters outside of maid Bree's boss, Anna's Ex, Ryonna, and Amy. as if they might be hidden characters or just characters you haven't gotten to yet. Also will certain characters have a story having to do with their past? Kleo's past in particular seems really interesting from how she goes in depth about how growing up with her mother was like. Or how Alexis knew just how crazy Kylee was before the MC did based on how she reacted if you reject her dinner date. Hell even Camilla's past with Lexi seems interesting. Sorry for the long post. I'm a lore junky and this game is full of interesting secrets.


Some secrets will be revealed in due time ^^

Fair enough😂 one more question. Will all of the characters have a dominate path? Not gonna lie it would be hilarious for Harmony, Emma, and Shiori to become this dominatrix version of themselves. Kylee would be utterly horrifying tho. I'm equal parts curious and scared for her route. 

No it will mostly stay an Aletta/Sasha thing

Bought the game on GOG, noticed it doesn't include BreeMC. Is there a plan to update that version at some point, or do I have to buy it again from here to get that content?


The BreeMC DLC will be available on GOG when it's finished.

Alright. Different question, is the Bree Sasha Walk scene missable? I keep watching TV with them both in the room but I never get the leash scene.

I don't think so

You have to coller them and have the home harem active. Then watch TV with both of them.


just wanted to know how to prevent lexi's story ending like I did everything and even after the bj she still left how do I fix that or does it needs to be the right season?

You can check the wiki, you should find some useful data there

i cant get the part where samantha wants to know the truth i followed the right path revenge path and im not getting it

Can you post Sam's wedding story tracker?

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