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Love the game! Starting after updating to 21.3.0e however I keep getting an error loading a savegame that causes my game not only to throw an exception but even crashes the whole game. Is there some kind of bug tracker where I can paste the log/stack trace?

You can come to the discord or post it here :)

Can you make bollywood actress charecter sex game

I would love to have an indian girl in the game at some point

It mean's you will add them or create another game 


New walkthrough please

how to trig strip poker event?

for some reason the game won’t open on apple iPad Air tried all three download it just says application in the files 

El juego estará en español algún día?

Has the lag between screen transitions been fixed yet?

We work on it on every release, in this one we divided CPU load by three

I'm on the "see palla in the nightclub" part in the story tracker but I've been going to the nightclub for a long time and Palla doesn't show up. Help

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On android, how do u back up save file before updating? Dont wanna lose my game progress that i have so far

File manager->android->data->search the game folder and open copy that 'files'/ open files copy "save" folder out of the 'data' folder

I have been trying to find file manager on my fone, cant even find it

My games been running really slowly, is there anything I can do to fix it

Even with the latest update ?

Yeah, there are a few seconds of delay with everything i do, not sure why though since I can play far more demanding games on my PC

i have 100 LP with Minami but i' cant kiss or doing something else with her, any help? I stucked on 40 siscom

Can't wait for more in game content related to Bree as the main character.

Hi, i have a problem with the band harem, i dunno how to make it, i am following the criteria for it (or at least the criteria the fandom page tells) i neen to sleep with Anna and Kleio 3 times, 75 LP each and 50 kinky, rigth?

Oh yeah, also... Un Android version can You take descisions back?

i have bought the game and i want also the android version but it wants to re-buy it.what i can do

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Could you give me some advice about palla Because I was stuck at a coffee shop and couldn't go on. 5 heart this is a fandom page, it haves allá the schedule from all girls

Question, at any point in the story will we be able to combine Harems with overlapping members like the Home and Band Harems ?

1. Where do I go for that breast surgery?

2. In the Lexi mission, it says I have to find her at the park, but she never appears, what am I doing wrong?

You need to search at 4 locations, then after some days she will call you here is the fandom page si you can look at the missions

The android version is currently uploaded as a .bin and not apk.

did cherie's story make any progress? or is she still take the blame and go to jail?

How well developed in the Bree MC's side of things?


Not much at all

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Where is the load button located in the android version of the game? I accidentally loaded the wrong save from the main menu and I cannot go back to the menu. There is only Skip, Save and Auto at the bottom. When I relaunch the game it just puts me back where I was

Swipe up and then hit menu.

Wow thanks

App won't update on Samsung Android. Keep getting "App not installed" message. 

This has happened to me before and only resolution was to u install and reinstall. Which resulted in me losing all my progress. 

Any suggestions? 

You can save your saves before uninstalling (but i don't know how)

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In android 

1. File manager ( edit "sort by time" ) so its easy to fine

2. Open folder "Android/data/com.-----.losesb"


3. Backup Folder "Files"

4. Reinstall

5. Copy backup "Files" to "Android/data/com.-----.losesb"


Worked a treat.👌

Much appreciated. 😀

I can't see where the files for the game are

Just grabbed the latest update.  I got to ask, what is going on here?  Screen transitions are slower and even worse than what it already was taking 4-5 seconds for each screen.  They were tolerable before but the game is unplayable now due to the serious delay between transitions, which has also found it's way to most in-game menus.

Errors and bugs in the menus that lead to messages.  You cannot even click on Emma in the character quest charge without being met with an error message.  Also, also certain quests are coming back around again despite having been done before, such as the Samantha/Ryan breakup.

Serious issues need to be worked out with this game.

Thank you so much for added Scene for Morgan 😭🙏

I'm already dating Emma, had the Handjob and still she is not kissable? What do I have to do? And I can't trigger the dates event neither . 

There seems to be a glitch in sasha

i can't give sasha a foot massage after the first time.

J'ai payer le jeu je ne le recevoit pas

I have an issue!

"Love & Sex: Second Base (Full Game)710 MB
Version 21.2.0b"

Is not working, I can download it but it will not install. I'm not sure if it is a problem on my end or if the game has an issue.

What platform are you playing on ?

Look at my comment

Hi Andrealphus, could you please add domina points to Alexis as well? I mean, some of us might want her to use mike like using his money, asking him to give foot massage,etc. and then humiliating him by cuckolding.

So I've been playing the game for a while now and achieved some 'scenes' with some of the girls. I keep on finding footage on the internet, showing Sasha with a little triangle above her pussy. In my version she doesn't seem to have it. Any ideas how to change this?

Yes. You have to get her kink points up to a certain level. 75 perhaps? May need a slave collar on her too, but not entirely sure. Been a minute.

Ok Thanks. Sounds kinda weird, because why would she get it then all over sudden, but i'll test it.

It is strange. I know it's the option where you tell her to either grow it out or shave it. The next time you have sex, even if its 5 minutes later there should be a full bush.

It's Better follow the self justice path or the police path in Alexis Story?

Can't get Ayesha above 7 lp. I think I need to meet her in the city to trigger some event but it is not happening? Any advice or ideas?

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How to get klieo and anna love points to 95 

I read the wiki there was an event for klieo the concert interact with klieo 19:00 - 21:00 but she's Only available at that time on Wednesday and Friday in the studio but when you interact with her nothing happens

The same goes for anna invite her to home that fun stuff at hone event doesn't Trigger

Anyone help??

How did you get anna to 75lp. I am stuck at talk to kleio but I can't trigger it.

interact with kleio > go to talk > first option will be talk about Anna

Deleted 4 years ago

What is the max LP for emma at the latest version? I have her 80%


Emma is not progressable beyond 60% and the handjob scene is currently the only lewd scene for her.

but on the wiki it says there is more

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You are right lol, looks like I completely missed that along with the whole update. 

According to the wiki there is a cunnilingus scene accessable after raising her LP up to 70 after telling her you are seeing someone which is then repeatable on the after date scene with the handjob, and she will also be set as a girlfriend after.  It is also apparantly dependant on samantha being friendzoned?

There are WAY too many prerequisites for Emma.

I have emma at 80% but its says you can do more with her but i cant do anything and i tried so many things already.

Emma park date?  Should invite her, somehow.  Ask her to a date and go to the park on the weekend.

Hello, I have a problem with Emma, I have it at 60%, we can go to an appointment, she gives me the handjob, and kisses, but I can't make it reach 70%
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